Which MOP/institution are you affiliated with?
Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust (MLW)
Why do you wish to join the e-MOPs community?
I would like to join the e-Mops community because as I experience the translation gaps on certain terms that do no have equivalent meanings in the native language and because some native terms can have different English meanings depending on the cultural content.
Anything else you'd like to share?
Malawi Liverpool Trust has an on going project on development of medical/health/Community dictionary.
Dear Fanny,
Thank you for joining e-mops! Would you like to be added to our Global Health Bioethics Network mailing list? Also, you might be interested in this recent blog post by two of our members from Kenya who are also working on translation challenges. http://e-mops.ning.com/profiles/blogs/strengthening-the-processes-f...