I hope you are doing well and thank a lot for your advice and mentor ship during the workshop. Follow up with our discussion on how to improve the IRBs capacity at Children's hospital No.1 (or others in Vietnam). Do you think what is better if we (Prof. Mike, Dr. Nhan and I) open a group here or email around to each other?
Thanks Susan. Looking forward to an exciting and enriching experience.
Dear Ms. Sussan,
I hope you are doing well and thank a lot for your advice and mentor ship during the workshop. Follow up with our discussion on how to improve the IRBs capacity at Children's hospital No.1 (or others in Vietnam). Do you think what is better if we (Prof. Mike, Dr. Nhan and I) open a group here or email around to each other?
I would like to have your email address to do so.
Thanks and have a great weekend!
Hi Susi, Thank you for joining! I really look forward to seeing you next week and hope you have a good flight here:)