Betty Kalama, former GHBN Bursary Fellow talks about their project on informed consent translation

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  • Betty recently provided a brief summary about her project: 

    The project on “Strengthening the processes for informed consent translation to enhance communication” aimed at exploring researchers’, translators’ and consenters’ views on KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme’s (KWTRP) translation process, challenges encountered as well as suggestions on how to improve the process. We intended to describe the processes and experiences of translating Informed Consent Forms (ICFs) across different research teams at KWTRP, and develop a glossary and translation guidebook for difficult words, phrases and scientific terminologies used in ICFs. These would hopefully enable the programme come up with a more efficient ICF translation process as well as produce quality translated ICFs which support participants’ understanding of research projects which would ultimately support decision making for participation in research.

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